Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ch. 17 Towers

"And then one day two planes came and smashed into two towers. A war started. Overnight, we, the invisible people, became visible. We became dangerous. We became terrorists, people with bombs in our luggage, poison in our homes." page 151

I think this is a great quote. It really shows how many innocent people suddenly became dangerous terrorists. It is crazy how this happens in one day.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


"I always thought you were the brave one. But now I think you're the coward, Aisha." I see her stiffen a little but still I press on. "You gave up because every thing stopped being easy. Just because you couldn't conquer this thing like you always did. I think, Aisha, that you're always thinking about doing or saying the right thing. Wearing the right clothes. Blending in. But sometimes...sometimes you have to tell them who you are. What you really think. You have to make them see us." page. 147
I am very proud of Nadira standing up to her sister. Nadira was strong and honest and said what she had to say to Aisha. It seems Aisha new that she was correct but did not want to think about it. After Nadira said this Aisha realized what she was doing.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ch. 15

"...she couldn't get on a bus by herself to save her life. Not this Ma. After we eat, we head back to the shelter where she changes into a fresh set of clothes-- western clothes, to my surprise..."
page. 129

I am surprised to see how much Ma has become independent. She has changed so much in a positive way. I am happy to see Ma so comfortable in her enviroment.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ch. 13 Run

A clump of pigeons is resting on the telephone wire. They flutter up into the sky, the wore bouncing up and down. For the first time I feel like I can run, fast. And I run all the way to the bus. page. 119
I really like this quote because Nadira is determined and is ready for anything. Nadira has a reason and is exited to do something. Even though her plans don't work in chapter 14 it is great that she is pumped up.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ch. 12 (geology)

"I look at her, amazed. She's American-born. I can tell by her accent and the way she holds herself. I didn't even know you could do something like that. I sure didn't know a girl could do something like that." pg. 106
I really like this quote. I think this part inspired Nadira. Nadira realized that she can go to college and do what she likes best. She has something to be exited for and look forward to. I hope Nadira gets the chance to go to college and major in something.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ch. 11 Uncle

He looks different: his wrists just out, and his skin is ashy yellow.
"What are you staring at?" he shouts.
Still Aisha doesn't move.
"Stupid girls. All of them. Nobody listens."
He drops down on the sofa and switches on th TV with the remote. A ha watches, I notice bruises and cuts on his forearms.
"I don't know what's wrong with him,"Auntie whispers to us in the kitchen. "He doesn't talk. He just keeps asking for Taslima." page. 101
I am not sure why Uncle's acting this way. I was very surprised to read the line when uncle said that girls are stupid. I think uncle is still shocked of being humiliated as a grown man. And is mad at everybody. I hope uncle will take back his words since he lives in a house full of women and girls.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ch. 10

"Back at the apartment I'm so tired I don't even pull out the sofa bed, but drop down on the cushions, still in my clothes. A sour-ash taste coast my mouth. The garage truck roars by. I can hear voices in the kitchen, Auntie and Taslima arguing softly. Aisha is making her way across the living room, a blanket wrapped around her and trailing along the floor. After the apartment is quiet again, I realize the thud-thudding noise hasn't gone away. It's my own heart, beating fast in my chest."
I think Aisha is being to hard on herself. She needs to accept what is happening and not blame it all on herself. Instead Aisha should try to keep her mind sharp because there are other oppertunities to fight back.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ch. 9 Garden

"And if i say something good, then it is like watching my own garden grow, and that is the greatest pleasure ever. That's what Aisha and I are doing. We're planting a garden with our words. Our future. Everything careful and chosen well so the shoots come up strong and straight. It's as if Ali-Uncle's hands are still on our heads, warming us from the inside out." I think this quote is very hopeful. After reading this it made me think that Aisha are going to work as a team and that their future might be good.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ch. 7-8

"We don't know the answers to any of there questions, and as we made our way down the subway and onto the 7 train, it's like we keep seeing different versions of what's happening to Abba flash across the windows. Everything look different to us now: the streets, the tar roofs,the part. I inch a little closer to Aisha. None of this is ours anymore,we realize, and for the rest of the ride we say nothing."
I chose this quote because I think Aisha and Nadira realize what is happening. They are both hounted by the thoughts of how Abba is doing. I hope Nadira and Aisha will come together and solve the problem.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Observations on the movie "Wetback"

I think the journey for these two men must be very hard and long. Both Milton and Nayo are very brave to be willing to sacrifice there lives to make a better life for there family. Milton and Nayo are much like Aisha and Nadira because they both have to go through tough obstacles together leaving their family. Aisha is most like Nayo because they are determined and are hoping for the best. Nadira is most like Milton because they are both prepared for the worst yet focused on thier goal.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ch. 6 Lesson

"Lesson, ha. You're just a bitter man trying to poison this young girl. No wonder Taslima has that sharp tongue of hers. She's trying to cut all the rot." I draw my breath in, stunned. I've heard Auntie and Uncle quarrel before, but never like this. page 45
I am happy for Auntie because she is standing up to uncle. Auntie is breaking the tradition that the wife does whatever the husband says I think that's why Nadira is so shocked.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ch. 5 Good Girl

"You're such a good girl. So sweet and patient. I thank God he gave me a daughter as patient as you. You keep an eye on them. " That's not all I am, I want to say, but she has already hung up. page. 38-39
I think Nadira wants her parents to her more than just a sweet patient girl. Nadira wants her parents to respect her decisions and treat her the same as Aisha.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Julianna's Point

Julianna has a good point. It seems Nadira is struggling to find her home. She feels she cannot call Bangladesh her home because she grew up in the United States and she feels the US is not her home because her family is not wanted here. I think Nadira wants to call the US home but now she is scared for her father.