Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chapter One!

The quote I chose is:"Aisha kicks me. "Shut up," She hisses, then speaks softly to my father's back. "Whatever you say, Abba." Aisha and I, we never hit it off, really. She's the quick one, the one with a flashing temper whom Abba treats like a firstborn son, while I'm the slow-wit second born who just follows along." page 3.
I chose this quote because it shows how Ashia and Nadira interact with each other. To me it seems like Aisha will do whatever her parents says just to make them happy. It could be that this will be an important theme later on in the book. Maybe Aisha will look up to Nadira instead of Aisha looking down on her. Tell me what you think.


  1. Yeah, I liked that quote too, It's interesting to see how Aisha is so mean to her, but when around their parents, she's the perfect little angel. Nice choice of quotes! :)

  2. Yeah, I agree, this was a nice quote to show the interactions between the sisters. I also think that (as Adrienne said in Sarah's Blog) Nadira doesn't get the chance to be her own person because she is always judged against Aisha and her greatness. I think that is why she wants to be hidden in the background, not seen, so that the only person left to judge her is herself.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think that Aisha is so rude and mean to Nadira. Maybe if their parents realized how mean Aisha really is (and that she doesn't have a great personality), they would treat Nadira better.

    I also think that is sad that the two sisters are not friends. For me it would be really hard experiencing all these hardships with someone that I hated.

    Lastly I think that it is horrible that Nadira is so jealous of her sister. She should stop being jealous and find the good qualities in herself that her sister does not share.

  5. I also hope that Aisha earns more respect for Nadira.
    It really upsets me that Aisha is really rude to Nadira and then a total kiss-up to her parents.
    They are both acting sort of immature. My brother isn't that close to me in age so I don't really fight with him but I guess this is what two sisters might do, but they are in high school, not preschool. :\
    I think now that Aisha and Nadira have to survive together(more than before because their father is not there and they have to rely on each other); Nadira will come out of her shell, Aisha will dial down her conceitedness, and they will both bond.
    At least I hope that's what will happen.

  6. I think that people are kind of taking this quote too seriously. I have a younger brother and we fight like that all the time. I'm not smarter or quicker than him, though, and our parents treat us the same.
    I think that Aisha looks down on Nadira because Nadira isn't as smart as her, which totally isn't fair. Aisha has a pretty huge ego because her parents, teachers, and peers are always praising her for being perfect. She thinks its OK to treat Nadira badly because she's never been told any better, because nobody ever stick up for Nadira. Nadira doesn't even stick up for herslef.
    I find it really sad that Nadira has such low self-esteem. Her low opinion of herself is fueled by her family and peer's actions, though, so I see why she does.

  7. Also, I disagree with Elana. I don't think that the sisters hate each other, I just think they don't understand each other, and haven't ever tried to. Maybe their father getting arrested will bring them closer together.

  8. I agree with Alex and Adrienne. They are sort of immature, and fight a lot. My sister is older than me, and sometimes we do fight. My parents will also usually respond to her questions or if she calls them rather than mine, and I feel like Nadira does when her parents pay more attention to her sister.
    I also think Nadira should have more self-esteem. She can take the "perfect" sister thing too seriously and become extremely jealous, then she fights with Aisha and her parents. The girls really need to learn to live with each other and find a way to protect themselves and their parents. If they could get along, maybe her parents would see Nadira like Aisha, just maybe not as smart. Of course they love both of them, but if they didn't fight as much, maybe Nadira would be recognized more and treated with the same respect as Aisha.
    By the end of this book, I hope the girls can learn to live with each other and find a good home.

  9. I agree with Adrienne, Aisha will act more pompous because she gets more attention than Nadira, even though that is so not fair to poor Nadira. Aisha may seem like the "perfect" daughter, and Nadira stands in her shadow, not very self-confident because of her sister.

  10. I agree with everyone. Aisha knows that her parents adore her, and will do anything for her, and I think that she takes advantage of that,but what I do have to say about what elana said, was that they are frinds. They will always love eachother, because they are family.They might not always get along, but that doesn't mean that they are not friends. On that note, I do think that this quote is an excellent example of how Aisha thinks of herself. Aisha thinks that because her teachers, and her family always tell her how smart she is, that she now can just do anything she wants when ever she wants.

  11. I really think it is the other way around. It seems like Aisha's parents will do anything to make her happy. Nadira even thinks that Abba might be scared of her. I also think Aisha is trying to reassure Abba and Ma because she understands how much her future depends on getting over the boarder to Canada.

  12. I think Aisha is so rude, and mean to Nadira sometimes is because she doesn't want to loose what she has now with her parents. She wants her parents to keep all their attention on her because she thinks that what she is going through is more important. This quote also shows the more power Aisha has rather than Nadira. Aisha thinks she's the one with the really hard life right now because she has to get to a collage, and that may be true, but she should look at how her sister feels all the time.

  13. I fight all the time with my brother. We tell each other to shut up and some other not nice things. I know that my brother cares a lot about me and here it seems like Aisha really wishes that she didnt have a sister
